Tuesday, August 4, 2009

To Spank or Not To Spank

In the paper this week was an article entitled “Southern Parents Spank Their Kids.” Really? THIS is news? Obviously these people haven’t been hanging around my house lately or this would never have made the front page of the paper. This is like a page four story around here. I am a firm believer in spanking. My kids RARELY EVER receive a spanking, but when they do it only has to happen once.

Tonight at the gym my Cirque Du Soliel-wannabe three year old decided to hide in a locker from his sister. He wanted to hide in the TOP locker about four feet off the ground. The conversation went something like this: ...

Read the rest of the story here: http://www.impactingjourney.com

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Diary of a Prom Queen Regect

Why am I not attending my 10 year high school reunion?

What would I tell myself if I could go back in time to graduation?

When is smoking pot a FELONY?

Find out HERE